Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 4:04 PM
Had BB at northbrooks tday , so gotta walk all th way there from khatib >.< Played captain's ball against 87th coy , and kinda got trashed on the first half man. After the 2nd half, we still lost , but the difference in points wasnt that large. We carried on playing among ourselves and we kinda played like kids LOL. Really fun ;X , everyone made the witch's sound from L4D , and alot of ridiculous noise. Man, cnt believe that we are all 15 and above =] Sir james called me to get a hair cut ._. , really unwilling siaa , but i guess no choice. After everything, i went to mac alone cos jx and rb were still at home. Went there to change clothes first. The cubicle was used , so i changed outside the cubicle, then daji opened the door and said, FREE SHOW !! Wtf , and some GB girls were outside la. Luckily they never see , if not if they complain to th GB officers, GG! I was going to get a sit after that, then dilys appeared behind me. Then i went in to the staff room , TRYING to revise . End up talked alot of nonsense LOL. Her jap writing looked like tamil :D After on , an auntie came in to have a meal, and she was kinda shocked when she see me and asked who am i. dilys and i then bluffed her , saying we are siblings and she believed sia! We talked lots of siblings stuff infront of her.After that b4 left the room , dilys said,' remember to come home early hor! '. This auntie then started to talk bout her siblings too LOL. Wtf , we can join mediacorp soon =X Jap lesson #06 was slightly better than #05 , but the teacher was starting to use all jap words without english . I believe i'll be just staring at him by a few more lessons: ( Arnd 3pm , when all the students packed up , the teacher said, OH YA one more thing , then everyone SIGHED LOL. In his face man ! Ate lunch with jx and rb and then go home~ |