Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 9:45 PM
Yo !!!!!!!!! Went to safra to play pool with sean weiqi and theodore again @@. Guess i'll stop playing for awhile, dun wanna keep wasting money on it ;x Sean went home and the rest of us went to swim : ) I was telling myself, 'Im going to learn freestyle by today!' but failed =/ , not easy mannn! Swam for arnd 20min before breakdancing ;D I could do hand stand , '7' and backflip :D WOOTS! Nope im serious, but just tat we did it in the pool :D Next time we'll form New Class Breaker ( Water ) LOLS! The lifeguards and swimmers was like looking at us laa;x Went to theodore's hse next to play L4D . The super intense game became as boring as neopets man ! No sound , slideshows & pixel :X Dunno wats wrong with his comp. Took train home and was surrounded by couples hugging each other ._. |