Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Had badminton with dilys val ts and hweepin ;x My entire shirt became from grey - darkgrey ._. , perspired like hell . And i can conclude somthing after today , which is that i cnt communicate well with indians HAHA. Firstly , me and ts played with 2 of them , and they tried very hard to tell me that in doubles, the back rectangle is considered as out, and next , i tried to tell them if we can play 2 on 2 again . Guess wat, all of them stopped playing, started to look at each other speaking tamil , and all walked to the sitting area and discuss LOL . Eh , all i want is just to play with them man ... never did i expect this type of 'accident' to happen HAHA. After that, went to mac for lunch and WTF , talked alot of nonsense for arnd 1 hr ;x Then the girls was like discussing when will be their next outing, and me and ts could only space out LOL. Yeah after that went home and prepare for tmrw's pool again =x |