Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 1:45 PM
Winter league
Yo people! Today's the start of my long weekend , hehe!
This week is good , mm yeah GOOD :D
Managed to pay attention to all the lectures, HAHA. Normally my mind will drift off during Dr.Zhu's lesson! :x
Played ultimate yesterday at West Coast Park ! It's been a long time since we played under sun.
For the last 3 weeks , I'd go home w super muddy socks + shirt. Kns,always reach home around midnight & still must wash clothes! ):
So this coming Sunday is
WINTER LEAGUE! It's a frisbee competition which will be on every Sunday & last till next year's march, cool eh :)
Better get my I & D checked before the league!
Oh yeah! It was reuben tan's b'day yesterday, 25nov ! We celebrated with him on Tuesday cos most of us were not free yesterday. Had 泰国小食 + a birthday cake to his house , LOL. I still haven't recover from my cough yet , wtf -.- Like 2 weeks already ! :O Never mind, hope I'll recover by tmrw :D Bye people!