Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 11:24 PM
HellO (: Hello people, im back again ! :D I'm feeling so weak & tired today , due to yesterday's training :/ U can't imagine how suck yesterday was man! Alright, training was tiring but it's already kinda expected. The part which suck was that we reached back Sembawang around 11.20pm and wanted to have mac for late dinner. WHO KNOOOOOWS , the 24/7 sunplaza MacDonald's was actually closed yesterday night for decoration! -.- Q-Bread was closed too and coffeeshops are so far away~ In the end , i went to take away a packet of carrot cake. By the time i ate and slept , it's already 1 plus ): But thankfully i have an alarm clock, my mum & human alarm clock with PURPLE hair to wake me up :D:D So yep , barely kept myself awake during ZMX's lesson. Die die i'd to pay attention because it's a 6credit module! Practical was very fun, HAHA! I'm not supposed to find it fun but still i enjoyed the prac :D I was acting as a patient in the clinic for our grp and stupid delvin was in-charged of putting SOMETHING on my eye ): It was super ichy and crazily uncomfortable lah! Well i deleted the pictures already because it wasn't clear, LOL. After school, i went to yishun to have an hair cut and dyed my hair, HAHAHAHA! * I said that i wanna dye my hair since october, 2008 LOL! * Came out pretty fine , thankfully (: Had sakae for dinner w family and went home ! :D |