Wednesday, November 17, 2010 @ 12:52 AM
#340 Oh hey, i'm back! Yes, it's a holiday today & probably that's why i'm back here! I really feel like closing my blog for awhile until i get back my 'update frequently' mood, but oh well, i'll just let it rot for awhile more. Last few days were quite happening, esp on friday night! Went to stayover at NTU w dzafir,hweesiang & ronald as we were helping out in NTU's street challenge 2010. It was fun, but it was damn hot, like reeeeally hot. We had to wear singlets provided by them, and now my shoulder's skin is peeling like crazy. It looked like lots of mini blisters on my shoulder,wth?! Guess what, i couldn't stand seeing those 'blisters' and i peeled them off,LOL. Now it look quite disgusting, but i think a lil better than those 'blisters'! Sunday's league was disappointing, as it was cancelled due to the lightning. If there's no lightning, we'll be allowed to play under the rain. Yeah, and that meant that i wasted my time travelling to sengkang, waited for an hour to see if the lightning would be gone or not and travelled home. Yeah basically that's about all. MST is coming soon! Time really flies,hahaha. Goodnight! |