Monday, August 16, 2010 @ 1:36 AM
Okay summer league (SL) is over!
SL lasted for about 3 months & we practically had to commit all our Sundays for it.
Our purpose for participating this league is to improve in our chemistry.
Yeah, a picture of us disc-ing in on the very first day of league.
League started out bad, as we lost to NYP white.Come to think of it, everything sucked! Our chemistry, our sidelines, our morales etc. All of us were super down because our complacency caused our defeat.
However after the second day,we started to have an active sidelines and we improved in our chemistry. We won HCJC :) As league goes on ,we had played with best teams in singapore like shiok and disc knights and also teams consisting of mainly starters. Lost,won,cramped,muddy boots & jerseys,we experienced all of them together.
But to be honest, i really hate it when we start to flare up and scold each other when there's mistakes.Seriously,what's the point of it?Can't we just tell nicely?I know sometimes can be very pekchek, but yeah we should chill first before telling the person. If not we'll start arguing and end up hating each other.
Last week, there's this UWA against the league allstar team :) As i mentioned, it was superb! I think the allstar team won the universal point right? Hahah doesn't matter, it was a good show.
It's league final today! Had to reach sengkang at like 8am and nearly couldn't wake up,haha!
League final will tell us how much have we improved as a team. Okay i'm lazy to talk about all the matches, but we got 2nd in Pool B. We could have won, but yeah it's over anyway.
Very emotional debrief after everything,but everything said was true.
No one was blaming anyone for anything & everyone controlled their temper. Thank god :) I would say this was one of the main reason why most of us were able to play our best. As a team, we played damn well. In fact we had never played this well before! But personally, i should really buck up on my forehand throws,it's killing everybody...
Overall, it was fun :D
Wtf, i took 45mins to post this.