Monday, July 19, 2010 @ 11:47 PM
Don't really know what's wrong w me, always like to keep tutorials undone till last minute -.-
Like yesterday, i wanted to sleep early but i kept my tutorial till midnight then do,end up 2am then sleep!
3 weeks passed very quickly, but i wonder whether the next 3 weeks will pass as fast or not. First 3 weeks like slacking and lazing around and so little tutorials to do, but the next 3 weeks is full of tutorials and tests! Guess my sleepless nights are coming back soon :/
Today my grandpa and uncle came over from msia to overnight at my place cos grandpa need to go hospital for checkup. Then around 7pm, when my parents and uncle went out to buy back food, i'm left at home w him. My dad told me to chat more w him more because he rarely comes over. Well, to be honest, i'm not v.close with him as i rarely see him. I thought i would feel kinda awkward haha! But well, when we were chatting & watching tv, he kept laughing and his laughter is damn cute LOL! Sounds wrong, but it's true :)
He is always smiling if i'm not wrong, and the only time i saw him crying was during my grandma's funeral. Well, other than that time, he always smile :D I think i should really accompany him when he comes over,hahah.
Okay, hmmmm, i have to get back to ultimate asap before i get too lazy to even run, HAHA. Looking forward for this wednesday's training!
Oh and i saw this on fb.
A penis has a sad life. His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbour is an asshole, his best friend is a pussy and his owner beats him!