Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 3:25 PM
Friday :)
Hello Wello, back to blogging !
Can't believe that I fell sick again... Well not only me, almost everyone is falling sick now la! I could hear many people coughing during lecture just now, LOL. And when i reached home, i heard my elder bro sneezing,haha!
I really think that i need a lot of discipline when it comes to studying. Yesterday i was trying to prepare my notes for th contact lens module, but when i couldn't find the answer in the textbook, i kinda gave up and went to sleep. Must really chiong more lah kc! Weekends u better do it, HAHA.
Gonna watch ipman 2 w family later :D Supposed to watch it with sl and gang but I have to be a good boy at times, LOL! There's still ironman 2 anywayyyy~
So, yeah thats all for today :) Enjoy the weekend everyone!