Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 3:25 PM
Friday :)
Hello Wello, back to blogging !
Can't believe that I fell sick again... Well not only me, almost everyone is falling sick now la! I could hear many people coughing during lecture just now, LOL. And when i reached home, i heard my elder bro sneezing,haha!
I really think that i need a lot of discipline when it comes to studying. Yesterday i was trying to prepare my notes for th contact lens module, but when i couldn't find the answer in the textbook, i kinda gave up and went to sleep. Must really chiong more lah kc! Weekends u better do it, HAHA.
Gonna watch ipman 2 w family later :D Supposed to watch it with sl and gang but I have to be a good boy at times, LOL! There's still ironman 2 anywayyyy~
So, yeah thats all for today :) Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 10:49 PM
I'm so tired after the 2 days of GenderMah tourney cos I had to wake up super early!
Wasn't really a fantastic one for me due to several reasons...
Today was the 2nd day, played against DK white, ACJC & NP and managed to get into pool B finals w our another team :) Most of us were like too tired to play, so we settled the game w scissors paper stone, HAHA. My team got the 1st runner-up cos we lost in SPS , but after everything, the seniors gave the juniors all the gold medals!
Now I'm like uber tanned, LOL!
Monday, April 19, 2010 @ 8:57 PM
And after 2 years...
Yes! And I've finally tidied my room after 2 long years, HAHAHA!
My 'new' room look much more better ,heh:):)
The cabinet was superduperfreaking messy!Okay here is the tidied version of my cabinet.
It's still a little messy here and there, but trust me, it's wayyyyy better than before.
All the spaces were fully packed, chucked w i-dunno-how-many cm of papers & a dead lizard, LOL :X:X
The top left hand corner of the cabinet is our first aid kit & sewing kit, HAHA! It was 100x messier than now!
Left with some deco then done :D
Okay i gonna rest early cos i've to reach school at 8 tmrw, so byebye!
Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 1:29 AM
Holiday is coming to an end ):
School is going to start :l
I really enjoyed my holiday (:
Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 9:46 AM
Last week ...
The super long holiday is coming to an end already! =[
Time passed damn quickly, LOL.
[ everyone tend to say this sentence when holiday is ending]But at least it was a pretty fun one!
Hope i can cope w year 2 stuffs...
Went to Kbox w sl pt matt hz 3 days ago and it was like my first time, haha!
I rarely sing, and i cant sing for nuts.
I even practiced a lil at home before i go, HAHAHA.
But overall it was v.high esp when we singing Bad Romance.
Went to matt's house to stayover, played indian poker, truth or dare and all of us were damn tired after that :)
Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 11:34 PM
NUS opens
Went for NUS opens today! I was damn afraid even before we played, HAHA. Because there was like 2-3 all star teams +several experienced teams. Our team is a junior team, all damn lack of experience :/
So okay, our team tio tok man! We all played one year already, should really be better than this! Lee played very well in my opinion :D Though we lost, I really enjoyed myself! Even got to see the 2 all star teams playing in the finals, really damn high, HAHAHA. But then champion only got $30 per person , somemore participation fee was already $10, LOL! Best part of the day was that th goody bag contained a bottle, which i was intending to buy :):):) Home after that!
People who think that they are good when they ain't and keep boasting around are fuckers!