Tuesday, February 9, 2010 @ 5:35 PM
Test spree
Just got home from school, haven't bathe, lazy to study & feel like blogging :)Hehe.
I realised that I'm always falling sick before Chinese New year! Had fever in 2008 & 2009 ):
And now I have some bloody heavy flu -.-
Luckily i wasn't stubborn yesterday and went to see the doctor, or else i cfm cannot go school today!
Oh yah, i haven't buy finish my new year clothes yet laaaa, only bought one top!
Actually wanted to go out shop last saturday, but later on I decided to stay at home to study.
IN THE END i was slacking off instead of studying. :x
Oh well, see if there's time on friday or not to do some last minute shopping lo :)
Alright, gonna nap now :D
Have to study pathology after dinner :/