Saturday, September 12, 2009 @ 3:07 PM
HELLOOO :D Went to BBQ with 'Boliao' at semb park yesterday night ! Reached there at 7pm , but started fire only at 8.30pm LOL! We're like go there barbecue, but dunno how to build up the fire :x End up we seek help from the neighbouring BBQ pit. The uncle kept emphasizing on 2 important things , 1st -- Don't tell lies 2nd -- Don't be late * ahem alton , HAHA* Okay they're nice enuff to trade food with us! They gave us lobsters & prawns while we only gave them satay, LOL. Cos that's our most valuable food :) I remember when i was eating, a lady tabbed my shoulder, and when i turned my head, i saw a big red lobster staring at me, I kept saying ,' WHAT THE F*CK!' , HAHA. Scared me like hell @_@ Okay, we left semb park arnd 11.20 & home sweet home (: |