Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Yesterday ~ Parents went to Macau today :DDD Okay, sort of just recovered from my stupid fever in the morning.. Went over to TS's house right after my lunch to overnight again! LOL. I think that dinner was really funny & fun , HAHA! We had KFC (: We bought back 3 sets of buddymeal to TS's house, packed the table and starting eating. * Really looked like family reunion dinner, haha!* Idk why when we were eating, there's nothing to talk about. We could hear our chewings and the sound of the cricket outside so clearly :X But zaiyao started with a , ' So how's life?' LOL. * Really really really really machiam family reunion dinner :X* Played PS2 and comps as usual , but i slept at 4am this time round,haha. Today ~ Went home from TS's house and bought breakfast for my bros Did some chores too before i took a nice nap with nice dreams (: After that, went to justin's house for steamboat :D Idk why , i ate so little and yet i was damn full! And i had light lunch too lah -.- Probably i drank too much softdrinks ): Headed to ZS's house and overnighting there .. And im at his place now, LOL. I miss my bed with my fragrant perspire :DDDDD |