Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 4:28 PM
Woke up at 10am today and immediately went to switch on my laptop Beside my laptop was a mini whiteboard. There were some messages for me by my mum on the whiteboard. And it stated..... LOLS ! Super funny can. I laughed the moment i saw this ,haha! I never kenna H1N1 lah! Well , of cos it's all for my own good :) Just in case mah , but still damn funny! :x All my 4 fav mangas were out today:D So great ! At around 12.30pm , i went to AMK to have lunch with dilys. I had a hard time convincing my dad to let me out, LOL. He even insisted that i wear the mask out, omg! But i was saying like, it's only 2hrs so its alright. My temperature was fine too, and finally he let me off! Okay, then we wanted to have subway for lunch, but AMK's subway is so small , and there's so many ppl man... So we went to foodcourt to have lunch. I had fish & chip + a bowl of cream of mushroom , which tasted like plain water + pepper :/ Next headed to jubilee to play arcade , but then it had already been closed down . I dared dilys to do something , and i said if she does it ,i'll get her havaianas flip flop. [ becos i thought that it's impossible -.-] But ....something really incredible happened and left me speechless, LOLS. After that, she went back to school and i went home .[ and wear my mask again ><] |