Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 3:05 PM
HELLO! Ytd was SPultimate's 1st round of open try-outs. Those selected in the try-outs will proceed to train with the main team ! I saw everybody's burning passion for frisbee ytd ,LOL. Everyone was like putting in ALL their effort man :D So , many of us got selected ,cheers! :D The senior in-charged of our team was double thumbs-up can ! Every of his words boosted our morale and eventually all of us played v.well :) Esp when he said this sentence " You want it ,guys. You want it ! " I swear everyone was damn motivated by it, LOL! Despite his beng look , he's really nice, haha! Went to play pool today with Theodore at safra. Long time no pool man , and it's still as fun! :D Weimark was supposed to come too, but he was lazyyyyyyyy -.- When we were at the mrt station , one guy approached us and asked us to lend him a phone impolitely. We were like telling him to go to the control station to ask for help , and he was like saying ,' So u want to borrow or not? Don't want say don't want la'. Orh, of cos we said no lah -.- Wanna borrow phone still so rude .... Headed to NYP to buy some t-shirts and ate there, and Theodore went around telling people that I said ,' Hey NYP got sales, got sales!!! LETS GO !' LOL _l_ SINCE WHEN I SAID THAT CAN ?! Haha, after that wanna clash a lecture , but no more seats , so went home lo |