Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 7:34 PM
我回来了! :D Th 3D2N BB training camp was shiok okay! Of cos just for the primers and officers :D Well , the camp was generally the same, probably a lil tougher than last year. The entire 'having fun' atmosphere totally disappeared right after th camp started. Seriously, jieming pwned them right from the start and all th boys was like so scared of him, esp the sec 1s :x One word for him , zhai =] Mmmm , i'd say this training camp is rly gd for many of them. Like watthecrap , there's actually someone who doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces, LOL! STILL NEED PPL HELP HIM ,WTFFFFF! >.< Really too many pampered kids arnd now,seriously can go and eat shit when NS comes :x But there were still many outstanding ones also. Sad thing is , for the two nights, i slept probably , 1hr only? Thks to the drummer in my bunk , u know who u are ^^ Camp ends with the most unwelcomed card for everyone, BB week card ._. This card spells D-O-N-A-T-I-O-N :( |