Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 12:01 AM
Woke up at 12noon ? ;x It had been a long time since i woke up so late . Yeahh, dunno wats wrong man @@ Went to swim with ts arnd 4plus with many obstacles LOL. What sia, hell lot of ppl .Gotta swim in a zic-zac manner . And i dint know the water there is so crappy. Well when i swam in safra, i dint need the goggles laaa . 1. Its clear 2. My eyes was okay after the swim Then... when swam at the yishun swimming complex , 1.i cnt see a shit till something comes 4m infront of me 2. It felt like my eyes was burning after th swim I looked like i cried badly after the swim ._. Mmmm, then went to get a haircut then next have dinner at the famous nasi lemak stall near chongpang area : ] Oishii desu! Went beancurd-ing next, and the show of the day was playing with a condom , WTF! We filled THAT with water and LOL , looks so freaking wrongggg!! Chased bus 980 with yj cos if not gotta wait another 20min ;x Went home to try to dl l4d , but cnt get into the website somehow , sigh ; ( & ya , i think i fell into a deep hole ;x Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 1:12 PM
Finally done with my poly admission thingy x) Luckily i went for my checkup earlier man. when i went back to fill up some forms, the queue was uber longggggggqqqq! Saw several familiar faces there : D I wanna swim later man , i hope ts will wake up by then ;x Label: bored , dazing off~ Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 10:50 AM
crap , went all the way to th zoo's Ben&Jerry with dilys for job interview. The journey was like an hr or so , and just got to know that we gotta commit 6 months then can work there ! WTF! i'm like so disappointed man . I wasn't told that i gotta work for 6months . Of cos, forget it -.- The manager also damn toot okay. She came and gave us the application form , and then asked if we got pen. End up we dun hav, and she said in a not so joking way ,' u 2, first impression fail!' Who cares ! End up no job lor . Then , after that we went to the zoo LOL. Cos i guess i didn't went to the zoo before , and she only went there dunno how many yrs ago. First was taking photo with the parrots, and its damn embarrassing man. I asked, ' i tot can put the parrot on ur arm one?' Guess wat, the person replied, ' thats jurong bird park'. YAHOR! -.- Toured arnd for awhile and then after tat , and saw this seal show. This 2 kids were told to throw fishes to the seal . Well, that was cool , but after that the seal gotta kiss them. The boy jumped back sia! End up only kiss the girl's cheek : X Damn funny , esp the boy's face =x The seal is super well-trained okay ! Sort of followed th crowd , and reached the elephant show thingy =] Mmmm , th show was okay only , cos the performance was like only pushing and pulling the heavy logs and stuffs. Not easy , but not rly attractive too :X Kinda exhausted after the outing , but enjoyable too ;x Went home after that to do the online enrolment thingy , and went back to the place where i did my checkup to fill up some stuffs =.= Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 12:34 PM
Ohaiyoo! Yesterday ; Went to gym with zaiyao yongjie & alton. ALTON SIA ! I tot he couldn't wake up :X cos he slept at 7am ._. He slept for like 1 1/2 hr only. Worked out for an hr before going for lunch at our usual place. yj and alton ordered duck rice, yj paid for his while alton had a 50dollar note on his hand. The uncle just snatched it and mumbled some words and went to find the change for him. The uncle came back with 40 bucks nia! Then said alot of crap like ' i'd returned u correctly maa , i also do business one leh!' and walked off. For the few seconds , 4 of us was looking at each other with the O.O face . Alton and yj then went to make things clear and the uncle finally pay back the money unwillingly. We eating tat time he kept staring sia @@ After lunch, went to Cyberactive to buy mic =) Zy went home, and then we got ts along to play lan. Was raining so heavily man , and none of us had an umbrella. There was shelter only till the busstop , and we gotta brave through the rain for arnd ,100m ? Yeap , firstly ts went , next was alton. yj and i was counting down before we ran together .. 1 2 3 RUN AHH! both ran , and after 2 sec, yj disappeared. Cos when he chiong-ed, he left his slippers behind LOL. WTF SIA , lidat also can. Then then , was super cold inside man. But still played for arnd 2hrs plus before headed home for dinner ;x Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 4:04 PM
Had BB at northbrooks tday , so gotta walk all th way there from khatib >.< Played captain's ball against 87th coy , and kinda got trashed on the first half man. After the 2nd half, we still lost , but the difference in points wasnt that large. We carried on playing among ourselves and we kinda played like kids LOL. Really fun ;X , everyone made the witch's sound from L4D , and alot of ridiculous noise. Man, cnt believe that we are all 15 and above =] Sir james called me to get a hair cut ._. , really unwilling siaa , but i guess no choice. After everything, i went to mac alone cos jx and rb were still at home. Went there to change clothes first. The cubicle was used , so i changed outside the cubicle, then daji opened the door and said, FREE SHOW !! Wtf , and some GB girls were outside la. Luckily they never see , if not if they complain to th GB officers, GG! I was going to get a sit after that, then dilys appeared behind me. Then i went in to the staff room , TRYING to revise . End up talked alot of nonsense LOL. Her jap writing looked like tamil :D After on , an auntie came in to have a meal, and she was kinda shocked when she see me and asked who am i. dilys and i then bluffed her , saying we are siblings and she believed sia! We talked lots of siblings stuff infront of her.After that b4 left the room , dilys said,' remember to come home early hor! '. This auntie then started to talk bout her siblings too LOL. Wtf , we can join mediacorp soon =X Jap lesson #06 was slightly better than #05 , but the teacher was starting to use all jap words without english . I believe i'll be just staring at him by a few more lessons: ( Arnd 3pm , when all the students packed up , the teacher said, OH YA one more thing , then everyone SIGHED LOL. In his face man ! Ate lunch with jx and rb and then go home~ Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 9:45 PM
Yo !!!!!!!!! Went to safra to play pool with sean weiqi and theodore again @@. Guess i'll stop playing for awhile, dun wanna keep wasting money on it ;x Sean went home and the rest of us went to swim : ) I was telling myself, 'Im going to learn freestyle by today!' but failed =/ , not easy mannn! Swam for arnd 20min before breakdancing ;D I could do hand stand , '7' and backflip :D WOOTS! Nope im serious, but just tat we did it in the pool :D Next time we'll form New Class Breaker ( Water ) LOLS! The lifeguards and swimmers was like looking at us laa;x Went to theodore's hse next to play L4D . The super intense game became as boring as neopets man ! No sound , slideshows & pixel :X Dunno wats wrong with his comp. Took train home and was surrounded by couples hugging each other ._. Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Had badminton with dilys val ts and hweepin ;x My entire shirt became from grey - darkgrey ._. , perspired like hell . And i can conclude somthing after today , which is that i cnt communicate well with indians HAHA. Firstly , me and ts played with 2 of them , and they tried very hard to tell me that in doubles, the back rectangle is considered as out, and next , i tried to tell them if we can play 2 on 2 again . Guess wat, all of them stopped playing, started to look at each other speaking tamil , and all walked to the sitting area and discuss LOL . Eh , all i want is just to play with them man ... never did i expect this type of 'accident' to happen HAHA. After that, went to mac for lunch and WTF , talked alot of nonsense for arnd 1 hr ;x Then the girls was like discussing when will be their next outing, and me and ts could only space out LOL. Yeah after that went home and prepare for tmrw's pool again =x Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 12:39 AM
Woke up at 11am , switch on the comp but NO INTERNET I'd to kill time by playing minesweeper & solitaire . 2 words EPIC SIAN!!!!! (i dunno if epic is the right word to use here ; X but i'll just use it anw ) Luckily i was going to play pool and lan at 3pm : D , if not i'm so going to lose my mind Met up with tecksiong zhengwei and alton to play pool ;D but just for awhile before we headed to raiders to play L4D . FCUK !, its really intense : D Esp the part when dunno who accidentally set off the siren , then all the zombie ROARRRRRRRR ! HAHAHAAH , thrilling man! I kept on friendly-fire them, and all started OI CCB WHO SHOOT ME :X Went to long john for dinner and ts received huaizhi's sms. he said he saw a chiobu at dunno which stall near Heritage at AMK hub,so we rushed over to see the CHIO BU LOLS. I see liao, ehh no comments la, okok laa , then zhengwei exclaimed, 3.5/10 ! Went home after everything, and glad to see my internet working ; D Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 1:57 PM
Yooo~ gd afternoon peeps ;D its 12noon First thing i wanna say , which i forgot to include ytd ; Thks jinxuan for the card :) , and waiwan for the cupcakes :) Secondly , I WANNA PLAY POOL ! just thinking of holding the cue , poking the white ball to push other balls into the pockets makes me feel restless ;x Im so addicted @_@ Thirdly, Soul eater rocks : D Lastly , its obvious im so damn bored , so bored till i post sumthing so random . Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 5:45 PM
Yesterday ; played pool for a couple of hours b4 heading to semb beach for class outing and wat i can say is.. epic fail =.= Well i'd to go halfway , but when i reached home and ask others how was the outing, i sort of felt happy that i had sumthing on ; X Today ; BB on the morning and taught the sec 1s basic drills. I find them talented and damn cute ; D Jap lessson #05 : ' What had i learnt?' I've learnt that by lesson #07 , i'll die of boredom. AND of cos , happy valentines's day to all :) Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 8:24 PM
Hell NO , visiting the dentist sucks shit :/ I had an appointment at th morning for teeth polishing , and i thought its gonna be 'shiok', but... ITS PAIN WTF !!!!11 I had several teeth polishing appointments b4, and the way they do was just 'drilling' the teeth thingy, not even pain at all. This cute dentist i visited this morning sort of use something to push/ HOOK my gum up and 'drill' the part of the teeth there. SERIOUSLY, for the moment i thought my freaking gum was going to get peeled off ._. But he explained tat most germs are found there , so okay fine ;X Met dilys and supposedly wanying at semb MRT to play arcade. WY actually MIA-ed , just like suddenly vanish from dear Earth :S So dilys and i played daytona first, which obviously she has no talent in driving LOLS :X , oops jkjk! I merely won by abit :S Next was time crisis , but rly rly suck shit . The machine transfered the coin which was for player 2 to player 1 , and we can only play single player game. So of cos we felt it was unfair , we seeked help from the auntie. Auntie : Ooo i cnt always please u all by giving u all free games . Theres no problem with the machine. me , thinking : *MACHINE NO PROB, FCUK U LOL , DEN OUR FAULT ?!* Auntie : U all one by one play lor. me, jaw wide open , thinking : * WTF?! * I bet dilys thought this way too ;x Next was basketball game. Mmmm ,im kinda tired, lets not talk bout this : DDD Headed to Nee soon east CC for badminton with reuben tecksiong alton and dilys, played for 5 hrs straight :X poor alton, 50 push ups as valentine's day prezzie LOL ! Like super tired >.< @ 12:16 AM
WOW! Alright! i got a job to kill my boredom : D All thks to mingyang, HAHA ! Went to BBHQ to settle some stuffs and next headed to Safra to relax~ I tell u , really shiok :) Firstly play pool with sean, theodore and weiqi . FUN! I rarely play pool la, and who knows its such an addictive game ;X My luck was GODLIKE! ,Theodore quoted me as :'EPIC GAY' :X Then i received mingyang's phonecall , telling me to go for 'interview' later ?! like before 6pm. Was kinda what the crap , cos i paid 8 dollars for the facilities in safra & i only have 1hr40min to enjoy them . Th gym there is like empty okay, gd for us cos we could make as much noise as we want =] Swam a few laps , Jacuzzi and then SAUNA! HOLYSHIT! Sauna is like a holy land which sort of cured my blocknose as im writing this post. Perhaps its just today man -.- It was fun , but just a short 1hr40min : ( Shall go there again some day . Went to J8 for the 'interview' . I guess i wouldn't say its an interview . Th boss just explained bout the schedule system there. And i sort of like the arrangement : D It leaves me with leisure time + work =) Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 1:07 PM
Home sweet home :D 08feb; Started the day with shopping at City sq ;x Things there are like quite cheap man . Bought a shoe & a tee , which would cost quite a bomb in Singapore ._. Went back to dy's house to play comp , and wanted to nap cos i barely slept on sat =.= But after that went out for dinner and next lan gaming with his frens. We played with some ppl there, and they seemed pro initially ;x , yeah initially only . 09feb; On our way home from lan LOL ;x Bought a ramlee? or rammee? burger home and watched transformer till 3am. Slept till 10am and headed back to sg :) I tot crossing over the custom will be quite tough or sumthing . Who knows~~ =x Well i dint buy any bubblegums or chewing gums back cos they said that there will be those scanning thingy and ppl only smuggle them when they are driving car , so yeah cnt blame me my friends ;) Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
Made another reckless decision on friday ;X Wasnt exactly reckless , but i decided to go over to diyao's house in msia to overnight 2 days. Well initially my dad wanna me to go to my uncle house at KL , but like .... i can say its boring :D It's like the so called more 'ulu' area in msia , so i'd say it'll be boring ;X At least i can learn more laa, as in how to get to msia myself =D I dun even know a shit la, so gotta learn ;x Diyao's family member are friendly ;) but his dog seems strong enuff to hunt a tiger =.=' THANKFULLY its caged ! Okay , tmrw will be lan gaming with his frens + eating + shopping ;x And wtf, diyao is the chauffeur =[ Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 8:02 PM
Crap! Boring day ~ Yaaaaa, and i woke up arnd 10am , which makes me 2x more bored. I shud just wake up at 2pm man ;/ Played audition for like almost the entire day , which made me almost faint =.= and a game of dota . rB showed me a web, and i saw this freaking scary amazing but true fact ' Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing , as it can blow out your eyeballs' LOL :D good luck to those who do this ;x Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 1:43 PM
Came back from my mini job hunting just now, and guess wat? The first childcare gave me a chance LOL :D First 3 days as 'try out' , after tat den decide if wanna hire me anot. Pay--unsure distance--3min walk working hour-- 5 hrs i think Well , they said they dun hire boys actually, but the reason dey gimme a chance was tat, I WAS BRAVE LOLS : D They dint believe tat i'd actually walk in and ask for slot, infront of all the kids and ladies ! Start work , the day after i think : D Still gotta wait for th phone call , i always kenna scam ;s Then then, i went home to rest awhile before meeting haoming and a few online friends to job hunt ; D There's lester aka fish, marquis aka marquis -.- and joseph aka shrimp. Dint expect lester to have those paikia face ; D cos hes like so nice in game , while joseph is always the one who bully me ;x and he has a guai guai face . Went arnd Semb shopping centre . There wasnt much luck but at least still got hope ;d Ate at Banquet , which i think shud change name to Popular. Why? Cos they sell rubbers ! The chickens freaking taste like rubbers. Crapped arnd , then went home = ] Monday, February 2, 2009 @ 10:47 PM
Was super duper boring in the morning . Firstly i called the childcare centre for the job vacancy , and she freaking said she'll get the principal to call me tmrw cos the principal was overseas and coming back tonight! So yeah, looking forward for them to call me tmrw : X Then was like uber bored at home. Dota rooms were empty , got trashed in audition ._. , and no programs for the day except BB meeting at 7pm .____________________. Dilys came online , chatted for awhile and came up with a super RANDOM and RECKLESS decision, and that was to rush down to NSSCC to play badminton ,LOLS. Booked the court for 1 hr, end up played for 1 1/2 hr ;X Went to buddy hoagies to makan , and shes like super late for her work ; D Cos we stopped playing at like 3.09pm and 57 sec ;x Well she insisted tat she treats me ._. wtf man paiseh siaa !Where got girl treat guy one =.= next time will be my turn liao Then went to see doctor for my flu and cough , next went home to bathe Soshite watashi wa makudo narudo e ikimasu ; D (And i went to macdonald next) Talked bout some BB stuffs , den go home lo Sunday, February 1, 2009 @ 2:34 PM
NEW BLOG SKIN :D its like so hard to find a nice blogskin :/ Spent like an hour searching for it ytd , tts y no time to blog . OKAY! yesterday was an entire day out . 'Take a bow' dint wake me up tday, but something more 'effective' than it ._. Washed up and headed to OPSS for BB meeting , again! ._. So unwilling to wake up so early man , but at least th meeting wasn't boring. Meeting ended at 11am with a prayer, and i went to mac to do some jap revision + notes : )) There isn't much to revise , then was like sian! 11.50am only. I'm only meeting rB and jx at 12.30 at buddy hoaggies . Then i walk arnd, bought the newpaper and sat at the CC to read. Now there i was reading, 1 boyboy and girlgirl started to annoy me for awhile. They cycled infront of me non-stop and tat was like WATTHEHELL :X CC so big, why under tat pavilion and infront of meeeeeeeee?!?! However i cooled down after hearing their conversation. Boy--Ehh janet dun angry can? Girl--*pout* Boy--Dun angry please?? Girl--*still pouting* Boy--if u dun angry , i buy u drink okay? please dun angry pleaseeee Girl--*STILL POUTING ._.* Dad walked towards them Dad--Eh u so angry for wat? huh?! Boy--Eh please dun scold her . I made her angry , dun scold her please. Girl--*started to cry* Dad--No ice lemon tea for u! Boy--please daddy, let her drink ice lemon tea. Just once please.Forgive her. this boy repeated like 100x ,and finally! Dad--okay okay okay okay Girl--*Smile :DDDD* Boy--THKS! Like so super loving :D Jap lesson was a rush, I-Ma-Na-Ka sensei taught us so fast man. Barely caught up. Went to jinxuan house next to bainian , w/o orange LOLS:( She invited me on yesterday itself , so i dint prepare the orange ;/ Saw jieming ( DUH!) , weiqi and joel there. Crapped awhile b4 heading to town to buy my hoodies =) Now i know the difference between hoodies and a jacket =x |