Wednesday, January 7, 2009 @ 9:26 PM
THE SUPER POSITIVE AND CONFIDENT AIYA, O LVL NIA?! No KICKS MAN ! Go there waste my time only . Come'on people , its just O lvl , its not meant to kill u and let u retain or watsoever ! BE HAPPY , CHEER UP AND RELAXXXXXX ~ THE SUPER NEGATIVE AND SEES NO HOPE IN ANYTHING WTF ? O LVL !!? 12th JAN 2 0 ZERO NINE ? SHIT CRAP FCK , dun screw wif me ~~!!! Eh ,eh, DIE LIAO LA WALAN Okay, i guess when i was still in the lower sec , my mindset of O lvls are the SUPER CONFIDENT ones . Like , if the test is gonna kill u , den set for wat ? My mindset of it changed when i was sec 3, seeing the ex-sec 4's getting their results. Some cheered, i remembered Dominic . " YES ! 10 points! " + the ' YES" action. LOL i hope i can be like him on monday ;S And i saw some crying, dint know wat to do and stuffs. As for our current batch , people who are in the top 10 percent are worrying like hell too .Alright i know everyone's more or less gonna worry . But if the better students are worrying so much alrdy, shouldn't i just jump down from ICA building ? : X NAH i wont of cos =X What i think is , everyone should accept the results he or she gets . Its not the time to regret already lah, just take the result and hope for hugs and handshakes of congratulations , or maybe get called to stand up in front of everyone , showing that u are the one who got 5 As . Yeah , i hope too; D Good luck all! |