Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 11:28 AM
SMS-es woke me up today at arnd 8am , like wtf ! My first msg was from MOE and was like going to open it as soon as i saw it. Then i read, MOE : KANG KEE CHING -------------, PHONE RING! Theodore called la, den ask wat course i tio. DAMN ZHUN OKAY! Then i wanna say , eh i was just going to look at it . Who knows end up , i ony said, eh was going to look it. My sorethroat is wtf now =.= End up , i tio SP's optometry : D Rly happy , but wat if the course dun suit me ? Lets not think so far ahead =D Badminton outing was cancelled cos all the courts were booked : (((( But might not be a bad thing man. My sorethroat and severe muscle ache will make me appear like a log there : X Mayb next time man.. Well everyone's like asking each other wat course u get into and stuffs, so i simply copy and paste my answer : D Much more convenient. Played audition for 5 mins, b4 my internet F*CKING HANGED. Like crap okay, wats starhub doing. I mean im not expecting the best, but at least let the internet run la ! Like after 15min , then it recovered and here i am whining and complaning bout it. seriously, wtf.___. |