Tuesday, December 2, 2008 @ 6:40 AM
WOOTS ,finally blogging again! : DD Well , not bcos i din't hve the time , but i prefer blogging alone . Not that I'm making an 'emo' blog which i do not wanna show my family members, but when u are blogging, it feels kinda weird with some1 staring at what u are writing right??? This hols is kinda like school days man . . Waking up at 6.40am daily , reluctantly dragging myself out from my cosy bed , wash up and take train to the freaking Lavender. At least when i reach home, i dun hav to worry about revising , doing homework , or get scolded by teachers ; x Now Janice is also working at the same place, so thrs one more person in the grp ; ) DOTA ! , enuff of it ; D No lar ~~ im just trying out a new game , Rappelz Sea. I'm currently level 16 ; D , but i'll still play Dota of cos. Okay, i'm going off~! |