Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 4:46 PM
OMG , A TERRIBLE F1 ACCIDENT!!! ![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi93gYCJUuHxAKmd0Jb3vtizki7wdQ8tKmYckmL5E_cRyWXVmypDFbkHSJYy-fin0fEQLAIwk7bG0ayk2oVt60WRRV0UEJPISutl5Noa1RcUu25dEhcdTmw8vBqyMzwj6U04WESoFeffg/s320/pic11188.jpg) Haha , Stupid right . Great , i finally have the mood to study A maths ! Normally , i'll just chuck it under my piles of book . Well , at least now i know the importance of it . ; D Today , we had mock A maths paper , and of cos i couldn't do it though i know it is supposed to be easy. I Suck in A maths la , seriously .. Its okayy anyway , O lvls ! ; X 'I'll make sure i throw my A maths paper with an A1 on mr toh's face' : DD , well , all the best to keech! good luck keech .
Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
WEEKEND ! ' is not for enjoying, its for working harder' by ms lo ;S Just as usual , school . However, it is going to end so soon. Like wat my classblog mentioned , when we were in lower sec, all of us wished to get the hell out of the school. Now that we are all friends , surely we wish that sec sch will last longer . Ha, tats wat i feel lar. Yesterday , ms lee came to our class to go through wif us our English compo . I still remember when i was sec 2, she was one of the relieve teacher in the hall . She was like , stopping us frm doing anything other than studying ; cnt even talk u know. All of us started calling her lao gu po or sumthing , haha. Well ,when she came in our class,the very first thing i noticed about her is tat, she kept blinking her eyes at a super fast speed lar. LOL , damn cute. Blink so fast, den after on slowly , slowly , den eyes close. 2 sec later, recover ! , den awhile later, blink again. We kept laughing at that. Mmm , but i would say she's a pretty humorous teacher. After school , attended bio remedial , and okay, i believe i learnt alot from it. As for today, was kinda sucky day. I lost my freaking vongola rain ring ! Its a gift for me ,and i actually lost it. Summore i like that anime so much lar ;S . Tsktsk , i'm so going to buy it back ;x Then we played badminton after school , wooots ~ , fun okay. Age doesn't matter when it comes to badminton . A 12yr old boy joined us , and he was very good . Just that he had disadvantage cos he is physically quite weak . alright, end .
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 7:47 PM
Had many free periods today for revision ; DD , gd gd i like this. While we are going through our physics paper , MISS SOO and ms low came to our class for the DREADFUL HAIR CHECK!!! Crap man , the atmosphere was damn scary lah . For those who watch Bleach , its like , when miss soo said , ' okay, its hair check ' , i felt the reiatsu splashing on my face ! ' BOOVVVVMMMM " haha , tats a very nice example of how i felt. Ms soo then walked arnd wif ms low , check our hair. First to kenna , shaocong ! . Next is hangwei !! LOL so suayy . Finally , ms soo walked down my row !!!!!!!! She walked beside weijian table already, which is two seats behind me , and she said , ' javier , turn arnd ' . I expected him to kenna too , but NO ! watthefck ;X . Ms soo is now RIGHT BESIDE me , and now she turned right and picked on geoff . She said , ' boy , stand up stand up ' . I was already accepting my fate and prepare for my hair to be plucked out. * okay la pick me la ms soo , die die la* . Then...SHE DINT EVEN LOOK AT ME , AND WALKED OFF!! ' . I was like , WAAHH OMG IM THE SHITTIEST LUCKIEST GUY HAHA!. ; XXX She then said those kenna one gotta cut their hair after school and show it to her later on. I cnt help laughing man ! Theodore was also one lucky crap . He was the only one wearing PE shirt in class , and wif a super duper long hair , and also escaped 'hell' . Okay lar, just that i cut my hair 1 week ago , and it just grew long . I was alrdy caught by miss soo during prelims and she told me to cut. And now, she not only forgot , and also never catch : D haha During lesson , when i was revising my work , there was a huge commotion about the legend of geof and the moon. LOL , okay they said it right infront of him and dint even spare face for him. haha, quite evil , but funny too. I believe everyone meant no harm right? Some lame assembly till 2.45pm , sit till buttock numb diao . Revised bio for awhile before headed home .
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 6:55 PM
We took back all our results except chinese paper 2 . Ahh, all i can say is , i dint do as well as i expected, and i will try harder next time ; X Thats also the last time alrdy. Ha, now i can rmb something happened yesterday when i was studying physics in school. Weijian walked passed me and kick my table as usual , and ' O SORRY SORRY!' plus a grin on his chubby face. Then , he saw a question on the ten year series and started asking me how will i answer it. Heres the conversation Weijian : Ehh , ehh , u know how to do this? me : Ah bo , so easy ^^ , the moment of force is...................( spoke confidently) Weijian: UR HEAD AH, its not that la! me : U see , u see , no meh ? * pointing at the notes* Weijian: *Check ans* U SEE , the one u referring to is different la! AHA , AHA , AHA me : * super paiseh * and * LOL-ed* , REALLY MEH?!!? Weijjian: AH BUUUUU THEN ?????!!! lOls , i became the joke of the day . Not bad , now i know my mistake ; D Today, as usual , received papers and went through them . Today was a lousier day than ytd, cos my failing subjects came today. Dint expect to fail my bio anyway ..... After school , went out mum mum , and went back school for studying. I saw mr chua tuitoring jav wif bio . Mr chua then invited me in too and omg , still got homework one . wtf . Jav left earlier , then mr chua dint hav the chance to gave him homework. End up i tio . Thats some kind of luck uhh .
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 12:22 PM
Teh very last paper for the prelims!! , hoho but this also means tat Olvl is coming in less den a month time : (( While i was reading my bio ytd night, i got this email which was hilarious . Absolutely funny! when in school we always wondered why teachers always seemed so mad?Now we know the reason......cuz they are so stressed out by our kids! why??Read below the essays to know.I really sympathize with this teacher..What i would like to see in my aged parents / grandparents.I am a boy.Boy is a boy . Girl is a girl but I am not a girl . Why I am not a girl is because I am a boy.A very good boy. I have a sister and three parents . Two mothers and one father . They are mad people and I am their mad child . We are all madWhen they are old, I am hoping that they have earned a lot of money by then. Money is money . Not money is not money . Money is good so i like money . When they are old they will not need so much money so I can take all their money and useBecause of my three parents, there are more of them to take care of each other. I can then go and use all their money as they do not need the money. They can go and play chess or sing songs together.Learning outside my windows - Describe sights, sounds & activities.Looking outside my window, got bird , got boy. Boy eat bird , bird die. I see a rainbow outside . It is very colourful . I am happy because it is very beautiful. I see children playing with balls outside. All kinds of balls . Football , basketball , baseball , ballballMy mum and dad come into my room and sit beside me on my bed. They look outside the window too. My mum is sitting on my right and my dad is sitting on my left. They are happy that i am happy . Suddenly , some sparrows flew past . Our family dog then jumped out of the window to catch some birds.Our dog is a very active dog. He eats a lot . He is an active dog who eats a lot. This is why he is active. However,he is not a very clever dog because he is mad. When he jumped out of the window to catch the birds , he forgot that our family lives on the twenty fifth floor . Dog die , me sad This is a bad day for me looking outside the window because i am sad . I am sad because my parents just bought the dog yesterday. We are sad .Suddenly an aeroplane flies past the window. We forgot about our dog and are very surprised because we have never seen an aeroplane before. As a result ,we are happy because the aeroplane is exciting.My mum is talking to me, but i continue looking outside the window . She screams , but i still look outside the window . I am deaf because of the large sound from the aeroplane. We are sad again , but happy because the rainbow is still in the sky.This is an exciting day outside my windowJust too funny ; D D I guess i'd smack the person's face if i'm the teacher ,hehe. Off to my videos !!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 11:22 PM
O yes ! , bio paper 2 is over ; DDD Now left with Bio , chem and physics paper 1 , which i guess would not be as stressful as paper 2s . No paper tmrw , shioks ~~ gonna stay up to 2am today . Early in the morning , i was worrying about the bio paper as i couldn't finish revising . Its ridiculous lar , too much okay. Ha , but also , i only spent 2 days revising , cnt expect much from just 2 days effort . Guess O lvl , i would study 2 weeks earlier ; D say only ;x . The morning was freaking hot , and the class is freaking noisy as usual ( but quite funny ; D ) . Rushed through Ecology and genetics during the 15 min reading period , and finally the paper at 8.02am . For the first 10 mins , they dint switch on the freaking big ass fans and the wall fans , and it was so freaking freaking hot lar. I believe everyone felt the same way , as i saw some ppl fanning themselves. Tsk tsk . The paper was okayy....... can pass, but doubt i can score . Went to mac to have breakfast , and next went home for POST EXAM ( i dint include the paper 1 ; D ) DOTA ! After 2-3 games, i rly felt tired . Not becos of the games , but i've been sleeping very lately and waking up earlier to revise for my papers. Well , last minute work is not useful , but at least it helps a little little bit. Slept for 2 hrs , and when i woke up , i just felt like ...sleeping again ; X , and so slept for 45 more mins . Dinner next , but barely ate them . TV for awhile , and games again; X Played a lot for today alrdy , just today okay ?
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 1:44 AM
Wooo , tuition cancelled today ; X Woke up at like 1pm today lar. I looked at my handphone, and thought it was just 11am , and so continued sleeping . Had ham and cheese plus some weird looking bread as breakfast. Ha, it was nice though. Then headed to BK for 'studying' . Eh, i really want to study one leh , but well , too much conversations and end up i only studied 2-3 chapts of bio. Zhengwei came by and played chess wif me for awhile also. I'd hav studied more if he dint come, tsk tsk , must be him who distracted me ! ; D After that, had dinner at 925 and heading to yishun park to play candles and sparkles . Well , kinda fun as its been , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 years since i last played ;l We made rockets with sparkles , threw the sparkles far far till the main road [ =.= ] , and also made campfires. Rocket was kinda interesting as its rly the first time i saw it myself. First time alton tried it, and ...fail! tsk tsk , and so is his 2nd time. Reub had his first try , and lols , succeed . That was pretty impressive lar. Alton had his THIRD try, and failed again . haha , buck up buck up ; X . Then here comes me , me ! I took 15 mins to do tat damn rocket, and well...it fai.........half fail half success lar i would say ; D cus got the pattern . Its going to fly lar , nice effects, but it just dint fly up ; X First timer leh, give chance giv chance . lols . Well , when we threw the sparkles to the main road, there's one motorist looked back la. Never die before sia . Ahh, then after everything, we went home.
Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 1:55 PM
Left with bio, chinese & phy chem MCQ! Today's A maths was like , omg : )) . I had been flunking my A maths since day 1 of sec 3 , and yes! , this is the A maths paper which i wont flunk it . haha. its like, shiok lar! I was smiling when i was doing the paper . Okayy, its not like i'll get an A for this , but at least way better den my previous records ; D When i reached home , my hotmail got like 10 emails again. Mostly chain mails. Its like, ridiculous lar. I only appreciate some meaningful chain mails , and i mean only some . Not those like, if u dun send this , ur lover wont like u or u will get killed by a clown Okay, i would have been killed by -- Mickey Clown with knife some ghost without a face and more ... I'm like damn fine now lar. lols , and i wont expect mickey to jump out from my cupboard to assassinate me. However , not all are stupid . Some chain mails even enlightened me . Like those , when they show people suffering in war and how fortunate are we , and sumthing lidat. These mails are the ones which are meaningful. So yeah, please think again before sending ridiculous chain mails. Kinda pissed off and might just delete it w/o even looking at it. Off i go BIO!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 3:15 PM
Gah, tmr is A maths paper 2. SUcks~ dun really got any motivation to study my A maths . Bio also , my notes are everywhere and i'm like so lazy to find it and study lar. Well , today was science prac exam , and our class ended like pretty early. So we gotta stay in the old library for like 3 hrs ...? , damn it. I was trying to read up on my A maths formulas , end up playing chess. Went to eat mac after sch , and go home ~~~
Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 1:26 AM
This few days had been very fun and amusing . It's like, i had been going out for the past few days la , for both shopping , celebrating and also studying . Monday -- It's first sept and well , i wont wanna spend my birthday at home studying and playing.. , so alton , zy and i went to marina sq for some shopping. Initially i dint wanna go that far cos i had plans for tuesday and i scared i'll get too tired ;X [ i rarely shop ] , but ended up going all the way there . Well , i bought many stuffs, total cost of over $100 ! , first time man . During shopping , i received a message ' Hey handsome , i heard its ur birthday today! So , HAPPY BIRTHDAY' . I was like, LOL , must be one of my classmates. So , i asked for his/her name , and he/she started twitting . I was like , wtf lols . He/she said tat i'll get a surprise TONIGHT. I was rly curious soon, and so i got alton to called. He got through the line, and its a girl ! Alton asked for her name, and she said she is called sarah. I was like, omg , saral paul ?? haha. The unknown girl obviously sounds like a chinese , obviously saral paul doesn't twit , rofl . Then i started asking my frens if they got this number and all said no . Even yijing doesn't have it . I was already stunned la. haha. So , okay shop shop , we went to meet szeli reubs jinghan and went to eat nasi lemak . Nice ! hha . Jh ate the sambal sotong , and kept sweating. Its like after running 2.4km . tsk tsk , noobie . When i reached home , i used comp for awhile , and soon my bro got back. He asked me ' eh got chiobu want to jio u ah? ' . I was like, WHAT TALKING U . lols , then ....OMG , so its u lar . That unknown girl is his friend , and he used her phone to prank on me. I'm speeeeeechless okayy. tuesday-- Morning went to school wif javier to study . Well, not only him lar , got 1/4 of the class there. I did some physics ( when i am supposed to do chem ) , and after on i went off early cos i gotta go . Well , its my first time to bugis street ! Stunned right? It's supposed to be like, everyone should hav went there before . But it's my first time. So sadd : [ Well , the group tat went was zaiyao , gordon ,hweepin and dilys. I got a watch from the bugis street, and it cost only 5 dollars . Walked around , and really , tat place has many things . All very cheap too ^^ So , guess im going back there again. And yes, dilys said tat there can bargain, and so i expected her to help me , from $5 to $1 ;) Obviously dey all scolded me cheapskate again . Haha . Also , it was the first time i ate pepper lunch , and its really nice , but ex lar. Quite worth it. Actually we wanted to play pool , but its raining and all got lazy and sleepy , so headed home lor. wed ( today ) -- Went out wif javier and yijing for lunch at pastamania . Nice ! xD , and we thought we saw monks eating pastamania wif us. haha, but end up dint la, dey were just sitting there. Went to yishun there to study next wif reub jh and alton. Studied for hours ~~ and i'm like only 1/2 done wif my physics. szeli joined us next , and after awhile more, we went to funland to play awhile. Nothing much , except the 'spot the difference' game . Very fun when we competed see who can spot the difference the quickest . After when gernette came , we went to eat nasi lemak again ;) After tat , we went to the beancurd stall and chat chat. Seriously, if i am to laugh like today for 2 more days, 6 packs will grow , lols ! Much nonsense lar, den after tat, went home . Off to bed ; )
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 10:26 AM
HOHO~~ Happy birthday to me ; D me me !
Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 4:46 PM
OMG , A TERRIBLE F1 ACCIDENT!!! ![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi93gYCJUuHxAKmd0Jb3vtizki7wdQ8tKmYckmL5E_cRyWXVmypDFbkHSJYy-fin0fEQLAIwk7bG0ayk2oVt60WRRV0UEJPISutl5Noa1RcUu25dEhcdTmw8vBqyMzwj6U04WESoFeffg/s320/pic11188.jpg) Haha , Stupid right . Great , i finally have the mood to study A maths ! Normally , i'll just chuck it under my piles of book . Well , at least now i know the importance of it . ; D Today , we had mock A maths paper , and of cos i couldn't do it though i know it is supposed to be easy. I Suck in A maths la , seriously .. Its okayy anyway , O lvls ! ; X 'I'll make sure i throw my A maths paper with an A1 on mr toh's face' : DD , well , all the best to keech! good luck keech .
Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
WEEKEND ! ' is not for enjoying, its for working harder' by ms lo ;S Just as usual , school . However, it is going to end so soon. Like wat my classblog mentioned , when we were in lower sec, all of us wished to get the hell out of the school. Now that we are all friends , surely we wish that sec sch will last longer . Ha, tats wat i feel lar. Yesterday , ms lee came to our class to go through wif us our English compo . I still remember when i was sec 2, she was one of the relieve teacher in the hall . She was like , stopping us frm doing anything other than studying ; cnt even talk u know. All of us started calling her lao gu po or sumthing , haha. Well ,when she came in our class,the very first thing i noticed about her is tat, she kept blinking her eyes at a super fast speed lar. LOL , damn cute. Blink so fast, den after on slowly , slowly , den eyes close. 2 sec later, recover ! , den awhile later, blink again. We kept laughing at that. Mmm , but i would say she's a pretty humorous teacher. After school , attended bio remedial , and okay, i believe i learnt alot from it. As for today, was kinda sucky day. I lost my freaking vongola rain ring ! Its a gift for me ,and i actually lost it. Summore i like that anime so much lar ;S . Tsktsk , i'm so going to buy it back ;x Then we played badminton after school , wooots ~ , fun okay. Age doesn't matter when it comes to badminton . A 12yr old boy joined us , and he was very good . Just that he had disadvantage cos he is physically quite weak . alright, end .
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 7:47 PM
Had many free periods today for revision ; DD , gd gd i like this. While we are going through our physics paper , MISS SOO and ms low came to our class for the DREADFUL HAIR CHECK!!! Crap man , the atmosphere was damn scary lah . For those who watch Bleach , its like , when miss soo said , ' okay, its hair check ' , i felt the reiatsu splashing on my face ! ' BOOVVVVMMMM " haha , tats a very nice example of how i felt. Ms soo then walked arnd wif ms low , check our hair. First to kenna , shaocong ! . Next is hangwei !! LOL so suayy . Finally , ms soo walked down my row !!!!!!!! She walked beside weijian table already, which is two seats behind me , and she said , ' javier , turn arnd ' . I expected him to kenna too , but NO ! watthefck ;X . Ms soo is now RIGHT BESIDE me , and now she turned right and picked on geoff . She said , ' boy , stand up stand up ' . I was already accepting my fate and prepare for my hair to be plucked out. * okay la pick me la ms soo , die die la* . Then...SHE DINT EVEN LOOK AT ME , AND WALKED OFF!! ' . I was like , WAAHH OMG IM THE SHITTIEST LUCKIEST GUY HAHA!. ; XXX She then said those kenna one gotta cut their hair after school and show it to her later on. I cnt help laughing man ! Theodore was also one lucky crap . He was the only one wearing PE shirt in class , and wif a super duper long hair , and also escaped 'hell' . Okay lar, just that i cut my hair 1 week ago , and it just grew long . I was alrdy caught by miss soo during prelims and she told me to cut. And now, she not only forgot , and also never catch : D haha During lesson , when i was revising my work , there was a huge commotion about the legend of geof and the moon. LOL , okay they said it right infront of him and dint even spare face for him. haha, quite evil , but funny too. I believe everyone meant no harm right? Some lame assembly till 2.45pm , sit till buttock numb diao . Revised bio for awhile before headed home .
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @ 6:55 PM
We took back all our results except chinese paper 2 . Ahh, all i can say is , i dint do as well as i expected, and i will try harder next time ; X Thats also the last time alrdy. Ha, now i can rmb something happened yesterday when i was studying physics in school. Weijian walked passed me and kick my table as usual , and ' O SORRY SORRY!' plus a grin on his chubby face. Then , he saw a question on the ten year series and started asking me how will i answer it. Heres the conversation Weijian : Ehh , ehh , u know how to do this? me : Ah bo , so easy ^^ , the moment of force is...................( spoke confidently) Weijian: UR HEAD AH, its not that la! me : U see , u see , no meh ? * pointing at the notes* Weijian: *Check ans* U SEE , the one u referring to is different la! AHA , AHA , AHA me : * super paiseh * and * LOL-ed* , REALLY MEH?!!? Weijjian: AH BUUUUU THEN ?????!!! lOls , i became the joke of the day . Not bad , now i know my mistake ; D Today, as usual , received papers and went through them . Today was a lousier day than ytd, cos my failing subjects came today. Dint expect to fail my bio anyway ..... After school , went out mum mum , and went back school for studying. I saw mr chua tuitoring jav wif bio . Mr chua then invited me in too and omg , still got homework one . wtf . Jav left earlier , then mr chua dint hav the chance to gave him homework. End up i tio . Thats some kind of luck uhh .
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @ 12:22 PM
Teh very last paper for the prelims!! , hoho but this also means tat Olvl is coming in less den a month time : (( While i was reading my bio ytd night, i got this email which was hilarious . Absolutely funny! when in school we always wondered why teachers always seemed so mad?Now we know the reason......cuz they are so stressed out by our kids! why??Read below the essays to know.I really sympathize with this teacher..What i would like to see in my aged parents / grandparents.I am a boy.Boy is a boy . Girl is a girl but I am not a girl . Why I am not a girl is because I am a boy.A very good boy. I have a sister and three parents . Two mothers and one father . They are mad people and I am their mad child . We are all madWhen they are old, I am hoping that they have earned a lot of money by then. Money is money . Not money is not money . Money is good so i like money . When they are old they will not need so much money so I can take all their money and useBecause of my three parents, there are more of them to take care of each other. I can then go and use all their money as they do not need the money. They can go and play chess or sing songs together.Learning outside my windows - Describe sights, sounds & activities.Looking outside my window, got bird , got boy. Boy eat bird , bird die. I see a rainbow outside . It is very colourful . I am happy because it is very beautiful. I see children playing with balls outside. All kinds of balls . Football , basketball , baseball , ballballMy mum and dad come into my room and sit beside me on my bed. They look outside the window too. My mum is sitting on my right and my dad is sitting on my left. They are happy that i am happy . Suddenly , some sparrows flew past . Our family dog then jumped out of the window to catch some birds.Our dog is a very active dog. He eats a lot . He is an active dog who eats a lot. This is why he is active. However,he is not a very clever dog because he is mad. When he jumped out of the window to catch the birds , he forgot that our family lives on the twenty fifth floor . Dog die , me sad This is a bad day for me looking outside the window because i am sad . I am sad because my parents just bought the dog yesterday. We are sad .Suddenly an aeroplane flies past the window. We forgot about our dog and are very surprised because we have never seen an aeroplane before. As a result ,we are happy because the aeroplane is exciting.My mum is talking to me, but i continue looking outside the window . She screams , but i still look outside the window . I am deaf because of the large sound from the aeroplane. We are sad again , but happy because the rainbow is still in the sky.This is an exciting day outside my windowJust too funny ; D D I guess i'd smack the person's face if i'm the teacher ,hehe. Off to my videos !!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 11:22 PM
O yes ! , bio paper 2 is over ; DDD Now left with Bio , chem and physics paper 1 , which i guess would not be as stressful as paper 2s . No paper tmrw , shioks ~~ gonna stay up to 2am today . Early in the morning , i was worrying about the bio paper as i couldn't finish revising . Its ridiculous lar , too much okay. Ha , but also , i only spent 2 days revising , cnt expect much from just 2 days effort . Guess O lvl , i would study 2 weeks earlier ; D say only ;x . The morning was freaking hot , and the class is freaking noisy as usual ( but quite funny ; D ) . Rushed through Ecology and genetics during the 15 min reading period , and finally the paper at 8.02am . For the first 10 mins , they dint switch on the freaking big ass fans and the wall fans , and it was so freaking freaking hot lar. I believe everyone felt the same way , as i saw some ppl fanning themselves. Tsk tsk . The paper was okayy....... can pass, but doubt i can score . Went to mac to have breakfast , and next went home for POST EXAM ( i dint include the paper 1 ; D ) DOTA ! After 2-3 games, i rly felt tired . Not becos of the games , but i've been sleeping very lately and waking up earlier to revise for my papers. Well , last minute work is not useful , but at least it helps a little little bit. Slept for 2 hrs , and when i woke up , i just felt like ...sleeping again ; X , and so slept for 45 more mins . Dinner next , but barely ate them . TV for awhile , and games again; X Played a lot for today alrdy , just today okay ?
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 1:44 AM
Wooo , tuition cancelled today ; X Woke up at like 1pm today lar. I looked at my handphone, and thought it was just 11am , and so continued sleeping . Had ham and cheese plus some weird looking bread as breakfast. Ha, it was nice though. Then headed to BK for 'studying' . Eh, i really want to study one leh , but well , too much conversations and end up i only studied 2-3 chapts of bio. Zhengwei came by and played chess wif me for awhile also. I'd hav studied more if he dint come, tsk tsk , must be him who distracted me ! ; D After that, had dinner at 925 and heading to yishun park to play candles and sparkles . Well , kinda fun as its been , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 years since i last played ;l We made rockets with sparkles , threw the sparkles far far till the main road [ =.= ] , and also made campfires. Rocket was kinda interesting as its rly the first time i saw it myself. First time alton tried it, and ...fail! tsk tsk , and so is his 2nd time. Reub had his first try , and lols , succeed . That was pretty impressive lar. Alton had his THIRD try, and failed again . haha , buck up buck up ; X . Then here comes me , me ! I took 15 mins to do tat damn rocket, and well...it fai.........half fail half success lar i would say ; D cus got the pattern . Its going to fly lar , nice effects, but it just dint fly up ; X First timer leh, give chance giv chance . lols . Well , when we threw the sparkles to the main road, there's one motorist looked back la. Never die before sia . Ahh, then after everything, we went home.
Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 1:55 PM
Left with bio, chinese & phy chem MCQ! Today's A maths was like , omg : )) . I had been flunking my A maths since day 1 of sec 3 , and yes! , this is the A maths paper which i wont flunk it . haha. its like, shiok lar! I was smiling when i was doing the paper . Okayy, its not like i'll get an A for this , but at least way better den my previous records ; D When i reached home , my hotmail got like 10 emails again. Mostly chain mails. Its like, ridiculous lar. I only appreciate some meaningful chain mails , and i mean only some . Not those like, if u dun send this , ur lover wont like u or u will get killed by a clown Okay, i would have been killed by -- Mickey Clown with knife some ghost without a face and more ... I'm like damn fine now lar. lols , and i wont expect mickey to jump out from my cupboard to assassinate me. However , not all are stupid . Some chain mails even enlightened me . Like those , when they show people suffering in war and how fortunate are we , and sumthing lidat. These mails are the ones which are meaningful. So yeah, please think again before sending ridiculous chain mails. Kinda pissed off and might just delete it w/o even looking at it. Off i go BIO!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 3:15 PM
Gah, tmr is A maths paper 2. SUcks~ dun really got any motivation to study my A maths . Bio also , my notes are everywhere and i'm like so lazy to find it and study lar. Well , today was science prac exam , and our class ended like pretty early. So we gotta stay in the old library for like 3 hrs ...? , damn it. I was trying to read up on my A maths formulas , end up playing chess. Went to eat mac after sch , and go home ~~~
Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 1:26 AM
This few days had been very fun and amusing . It's like, i had been going out for the past few days la , for both shopping , celebrating and also studying . Monday -- It's first sept and well , i wont wanna spend my birthday at home studying and playing.. , so alton , zy and i went to marina sq for some shopping. Initially i dint wanna go that far cos i had plans for tuesday and i scared i'll get too tired ;X [ i rarely shop ] , but ended up going all the way there . Well , i bought many stuffs, total cost of over $100 ! , first time man . During shopping , i received a message ' Hey handsome , i heard its ur birthday today! So , HAPPY BIRTHDAY' . I was like, LOL , must be one of my classmates. So , i asked for his/her name , and he/she started twitting . I was like , wtf lols . He/she said tat i'll get a surprise TONIGHT. I was rly curious soon, and so i got alton to called. He got through the line, and its a girl ! Alton asked for her name, and she said she is called sarah. I was like, omg , saral paul ?? haha. The unknown girl obviously sounds like a chinese , obviously saral paul doesn't twit , rofl . Then i started asking my frens if they got this number and all said no . Even yijing doesn't have it . I was already stunned la. haha. So , okay shop shop , we went to meet szeli reubs jinghan and went to eat nasi lemak . Nice ! hha . Jh ate the sambal sotong , and kept sweating. Its like after running 2.4km . tsk tsk , noobie . When i reached home , i used comp for awhile , and soon my bro got back. He asked me ' eh got chiobu want to jio u ah? ' . I was like, WHAT TALKING U . lols , then ....OMG , so its u lar . That unknown girl is his friend , and he used her phone to prank on me. I'm speeeeeechless okayy. tuesday-- Morning went to school wif javier to study . Well, not only him lar , got 1/4 of the class there. I did some physics ( when i am supposed to do chem ) , and after on i went off early cos i gotta go . Well , its my first time to bugis street ! Stunned right? It's supposed to be like, everyone should hav went there before . But it's my first time. So sadd : [ Well , the group tat went was zaiyao , gordon ,hweepin and dilys. I got a watch from the bugis street, and it cost only 5 dollars . Walked around , and really , tat place has many things . All very cheap too ^^ So , guess im going back there again. And yes, dilys said tat there can bargain, and so i expected her to help me , from $5 to $1 ;) Obviously dey all scolded me cheapskate again . Haha . Also , it was the first time i ate pepper lunch , and its really nice , but ex lar. Quite worth it. Actually we wanted to play pool , but its raining and all got lazy and sleepy , so headed home lor. wed ( today ) -- Went out wif javier and yijing for lunch at pastamania . Nice ! xD , and we thought we saw monks eating pastamania wif us. haha, but end up dint la, dey were just sitting there. Went to yishun there to study next wif reub jh and alton. Studied for hours ~~ and i'm like only 1/2 done wif my physics. szeli joined us next , and after awhile more, we went to funland to play awhile. Nothing much , except the 'spot the difference' game . Very fun when we competed see who can spot the difference the quickest . After when gernette came , we went to eat nasi lemak again ;) After tat , we went to the beancurd stall and chat chat. Seriously, if i am to laugh like today for 2 more days, 6 packs will grow , lols ! Much nonsense lar, den after tat, went home . Off to bed ; )
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 10:26 AM
HOHO~~ Happy birthday to me ; D me me !
Going to be 18
Ultimate Frisbee :)