Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 5:38 PM
Chinese oral today !!! okays , the venue was in the old library , where there is air con. Nice , at least it aint stuffy . The passage was manageable , and i guessed i spoke quite fluently... ; / The conversation , was an exact qn given by luo lao shi la. We did the letter writing of it during Chinese mock exams. Thankfully , i DILIGENTLY did it : ))) But the teachers suddenly giggled when i said 真金不怕火. I hope i dint use it wrongly... all i was trying to say is , if the goods are placed inside the shop , if the goods are gooood , peepos will still buy it. As for SS test , it is the exact question in MidYearExam . We just had to memorise well . Well , i did try my best to memorise , but time wasn't freaking enough la. Shit , i tell u , ms lo was laughing at me when i was scribbling on the paper lah. At start , i tried by best to write neatly. After on , i realised tat this CANNOT carry on, thus i start writing at a uber fast speed : / However , i gotta summarize a part of my answer. tsk! mms , okays at last i got some jokes to share about. Quite short ones, but its something to laugh about. MAN :You remind me of the sea WOMAN : Because i'm wild , romantic & exciting?? MAN : NO,because u make me sick! Teacher: ' Now children , if I saw a man beating a donkey and stopped him , what virtue would I be showing?' Student: 'Brotherly love' bwaha , just for laughss... Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 7:13 PM
mms, today is the third day of term 3, and yes i'm alrdy feeling tired :/ U see, O lvls are coming so soon, and chinese oral starts tmr ( mine on 30june) . Sucks sucks . Its all the same lah , school days . Study study , den listen to teacher , and then go home.Bzzz.... ! :l Today's PE is quite special ; we were separated into grps of 7 , and i think we gonna stay in this grp for 6 weeks or so. We gonna learn how to play basketball + soccer ( CRAPP!!!) during tis 6 weeks. We also will be competing wif other groups. Basketball and soccer, the rules are the same.of cos There's 6 teams in total . So , 2 teams will be playing Bball , 2 teams will b playing soccer , and then the other 2 team's referee will b referee-ing one game each. In the game , only the captain is allowed to talk to the referee , like fouls , injuries or cheat. Lols Team name: Glory of the republic [ Cool name given by ku , tats him anyway] Team motto : Aim to kill the others [ initially i suggested only aim to kill , end up added 'the others' ] Team rules : It's just a game , enjoy but don't slack & ...... forgot : ( Team roles : manager , yours truly : ) coach , kuku captain , haddasah [ She is so going to out talk the referee la. ] V.C , Shuwen referee , sheereen logistic , wenxuan safety person :O , sean lee [ i risk my life wif him arnd : ( ] Okay , hope it is gonna b fun :x mms , mrs lee is really leaving the sch today. Well , kinda sad again. b4 leaving the class today, She sort of , recite a poem she wrote to us. Its like talking about from day 1 to now lidat , using the compres we have done as the lyrics .. (??)( do u call tat lyrics? ) .Kinda touching : / , well , quite a handful of classmates were touched to tears . Ha, a great teacher she is . off to homework : ( Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 12:20 AM
As for the previous answer , it is becus .. your ears is behind your eyes, tats y u see lightning first :/ Very very very dumb question okay. Wells , sch hols gonna end in like , 4 days? Crap and i still got english & A maths haven do. Tsk! I have been playing dota quite alot this hols , and i said i gonna quit ;(( Seems like , no. At least i dun play more than 6 hrs . Got a life too . Hmms , how i wish the hols will be extended by another week ; still in holiday mood . I've been like sleeping at 1-2 am everyday la. I dun wanna sleep at 11pm and wake up at 6pm everyday. Oh crap , i guess i gotta run my 2.4km during next PE lesson. I'm kinda 'rusty' already. Barely exercise tis holiday . Hmms , i guess i gotta make good use of my 96 hrs well. pfft~~ Monday, June 9, 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Teh ans is , 7 8 9 ( 7 ate 9 ) , tts y 6 is afraid of 7. Well , its a uber simple it from some lousy joke website. ~ okay , i've done prettymuch homework alrdy , great ! But A maths is like a hell of a topic , toughtough . 2 more weeks to sch reopen , sucks man . gonna face piles of homework + tchers soon. And , of cos , gotta slp early and wake up uber early. sucks, sucks . Why do you see lightning b4 hearing thunder ?? okay , dun give me things like light is faster than sound. its wrong ~~ signing off Saturday, June 7, 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Remedials are over 2 days ago , and quite shiok lah. Just tat when there's no activity arnd, i are bored. Ytd played badminton wif ku , clifford , stan and ah kyun. Damn , stan is pro : ( lols. Then we 2 challenged the aunties at the opposite court. Aunties u know, aunties...40 year old AUNTIES. AND guess wut, we lost >< I guess they got used to wiping floor lah, so damn fit. Fast summore. Today nothing much :l Boring >>>> Why is 6 afraid of 7??? cheers! Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 5:56 PM
kay , just reached home. There isn't anything to blog these few days , cos we only go for the boring remedials , and nothing else. Crapp.... Well , tdy some of us went for the SP open house , again, and its not interesting ... okay , firstly ,the bus i took were quite late and we missed the first half of the talk , and the dance too. Then after that, we went to our respective group and move out. It was damn disappointing lah.They said got buffet one leh , end up give us chap chai peng : ( And , ah hao chap chai peng is rly rly nice. Javier da bao chap chai peng to sch, and then we eat. Nice lah , lols. We then went to Clarke quay there for the tourism tour thingy... very very useless. There like got 2 suns , so damn hot. Then after that, go home lo. Tml is finally the last day of remedial , but also a long one. Hang on guys ! |